The nature of Baikal      
English �������
The artist   Mihajlov V.V.
It is a little about itself
It is a little about itself
Works of art
The guest book

My name is Mihajlov Vitaly Viktorovich. I was born 1977 in city Zima. In 1997 the artist the designer has ended Irkutsk art school on a speciality. After the termination of school has acted in Irkutsk State Technical University which was ended in 2003 on a speciality by the artist monumentally - decorative art.

Now I teach in IrSTU at faculty of the Fine arts, on faculty Design - Figure, painting, a composition.

I am engaged in painting, graphics, graphic design, conceptual design.

Thanks that send on my site!

  The project - a decorative lattice

My requisites:


Place of work:


c.Irkutsk, IrSTU, faculty of design


Russia 8-964-129-69-16


Homepage Graphics Still-life
About itself Painting Aerography
Works of art Portrait Decorative art
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